December 15, 2008


CONGRATULATIONS!!! After many hectic law lectures, you have finally sat for the exams.(I hope!)I would like some feedback from the students. Were the questions tough, easy or average? What was the greatest difficulty? I hope at least 2 students will get an "A" Grade. Vijay- your ex-lecturer


Shiriko1989 said...

Sir, the exam you gave to us was quite tough.... a bit lah...
Actually I can do the questions that I have done, but for english language part... well... Try my best already... Except I almost forgot the section 2(a) CA 1950 or more I can't remember them during the exam... ^___^"

* @nn!3 * said...

dear uncle vijay,
the questions in facts quite easy as the tips u gave very sufficient!! haha but lack of time to finish it..the exclusion clause i left a little bit to complete but time not allowed me to continue..maybe due to lack of practice...haiz...
yet, the Question 6 about offer and ITT, i got a lot to write but i dont dare to write many, if not the last question sure cant finish...hope i will get good result at least B hehe ^^

jace said...

If the preparation is good enough, then the question wouldn't be so hard. And here to thanks sir for those guidance. i had submitted for 5 question, and i do really hope that i will not fall in C or B- category...hehe..

Anonymous said...

Sir, thx ya... the exam questions that i did was exactly the same as the tips given by uncle vijay~~~ Well, actually i can write more than that for consideration and conditions & warranties....but afraid of writing too much on 1 question will cause insufficient time for the rest questions... hence it wouldn't be a perfect answer....For void & voidable question, i think the worst question i did....Sry lo...
Anyway, thanks sir...If i managed to get A i treat u yumcha. Haha.

Kien Ann (the one u used to call "sing sang")=.=

jace said...

hey~ sir only like whiskey eh~

and sir,

i will always remember ur word of "that's life" ehehhee

ahyi said...

OMG over confidence until forget almost the section .....
tq for your guideline ....

yes yes whiskey nitez...haha...
so don drink to much eventhough that's life ....