December 16, 2008


This is the observation after reading the exam scripts.Most students have merely repeated what appeared on the blog.Further there was hardly any legal anaysis. Instead what appeared on the exam paper was all memory work.On consideration- 3 students only wrote 4 lines!!(I advise these 3 students to get ready for the Supplementary Paper soon)

Although generally the students handled the case law,Question 1, nobody read the question carefullY.The questions was asking you to answer both on consideration AND conclude by commenting on void contracts!! But all students only answered on the General Rule and the Exceptions. The Midnight Owl

For Company Law 2 students have been copying.

Cik Siti- I have not received your Assignment II yet.


* @nn!3 * said... fast u read our exam scripts..hope you wont caught heart attack!!

Calibr3 said...

Hi Sir, Its Me Muhannad, Very Shocked 2 Hear Abt The 2 Students Copyin in Company Law, Are V Rightful 2 Know Who They R?

jace said...

yes, sir, take care yourself as in what annie wrote

ahyi said...

opsss, OMG.....sir take care lah...

Shiriko1989 said...

Opsie daisy...
sir... Take care of yourself lo...

jace said...

sir,i need your comments..
i was involved in a cases.
An irresponsible seller in a forum. First she had make the promise plus the terms and condition.
and last, she gone.
but.. i got my items, but it's spoil and totally cant be use..

so every customers were totally upmad and going to report to the police. They got her details.

my question is, will the police take care of this?

mail me sir, i send u the link, pls response me asap


hello,kena tipu kah? The police cant do much because they have to refer this matter to the Commercial Crimes Division.How much money did you lose? The right procedure is to file an action in the Small Claims Tribunal in Jalan Duta. Vijay.

I will be in College on Wednesday 6.00 pm. If you are there, you can tell me more.

Jace! Jace! Jace!! Just tahun baru and you already kena tipu!!


Give me their names and address.I will see what i can do.And the amount of $$$ that you lost. Vijay

jace said...

follow this thread, you may get to knoe what's happening..please notice that there are 2 pages..

im asking for this cause there's a volunteer going to balai polis to do the report. i guess there's no use at all.. that's y asking for the opinion..

anyway sir, i got the lesson d, however, whatever, i was ready to accept


MIss Yap Lian Khai- how are you these days? Vijay


Jace- wher are you. I have not seen you for some time? Vijay.