April 1, 2010


There have been many questions asked as to  how  to obtain a  Judgment - In- Default. JID is only obtained when the Defence fails to make an appearance in  Court. The Plainitffs must show prove of service. This  is called an " Affidavit Penyampaian" in the Malaysian Courts. When your case is called up for mention- The Plaintiff must say something like this before the presiding judge-

" Dengan Izin yang Arif- Mr. Otak- Otak  untuk pihak Plaintif dan saya percaya pihak defendan tidak hadir. Saman telah diserahkan pada.......(date) dan Afidavit Penyampaian telah difailkan pada .........(date).Memandangkan Pihak defendan tidak hadir untuk menjawab atau mempertikaikan tuntutan ini, saya memohon untuk suatu Penghakiman Ingkar direkodkan terhadap pihak Defendan. "

After this- the Judge may ask some questions. If the judge is satisfied that the papers are in order- He/She will order Penghakiman Ingkar.  You must have a Draft Order ready. Hand it over to the Court interpreter. They will send it back to you  with some alterations within 2 weeks. Then take the corrected Draft Order to the Registry and file it. They will seal it and give it to you on the spot. This  is known as the Fair Order. Now you can serve the JID  on the defendants. God Bless and  Good  Luck.  Vijay

1 comment:

Juliawells said...

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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