March 24, 2010

402 A. ALIBI

Notice to be given of defence of alibi

(1)Where in any criminal trial the accused seeks to put forward a defence
of alibi, evidence in support thereof shall not be admitted unless the
accused shall have given notice in writng thereof to the Public
Prosecutor at least 10 days before the commencement of the trial.

(2) The notice required by (1) shall include particulars of the place
where the accused claims to have been at the time of the commission of
the offence with which he is charged,together with the names and
addresses of any witnesses whom he intends to call for the purpose of
establishing his alibi.

What the above section basically means is that if you are planning to spin a story for the judge,like saying that you were not there at the scene of the crime,you have to give details,like "Where exactly were you and with whom?" Stories like, "I was all alone at home watching Astro and then I fell asleep just will not be accepted.

1 comment:

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