December 4, 2008


In almost all of life, we need to know the technics or the strategies of the particular situation.The same goes with studies.First,you need to find a place that is quiet and peaceful.You cant concentrate when others are chatting,whispering,or their phones are always ringing.You must get serious about this first.If you have too many friends in College, then my advise is that you stay at home to study.Otherwise you will end up talking about everything else except your studies.

Sometimes it helps if you put a photograph of a place,thing or person you like or admire that tends to have a calming effect on your mind. Some people have photographs of their parents, others of someone they love.The most important thing is that the photograph has a calming effect on you.This is a psychological truth as expounded by Dr Maxwell Martz in his best selling book- Psycho Cybernetics.

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