December 6, 2008

Hello there,All Law Students!I sometimes learn more from my students than my students learn from me.I think we learnt many things in class,from complex legal doctrines,a little politics,many English lessons, issues of daily life and of course,how to pronounce the word "vague", and what the phrase "bungling moron" means.Remember,learning never ever ends in life.Stop learning and your mind STAGNATES. It has been my observation, that many students lack the proficiency in the English language.That is why my Associate created If you read one story per day,your English will definitely improve.Good luck on your journey in life. Vijay-The Midnight Owl

P.S. Nicholas, that is very rude of you!! Why are you showing your middle finger during the photo session?
P.S.Mr.Tan- my Shakesphere book is missing and I think you are the culprit!!Retun it immediately or I will sue you in the Civil Court!!

P.S.Miss Yap- I like your colourful shawl.Can I borrow it for one day? I want to wear it for my next High Court appearance.


ahyi said...

haha..thank you for your comment sir.....
teh tarik small case only lah...i bring you go starbucks drink coffee lah....

wait wait wait,sir where i got take that book leh,i put back at your bag already wor...

now is my turn sue you back because you destroy reputation,
we see in vijayhighcourt haha

Shiriko1989 said...

Sir... Those finger are mine, not Nicholes... and besides, if sir can see clearly, actually got two finger above Siti's head ^___o