September 8, 2008


The following are some suggestions for students who will be sitting for their law exams soon. Every year many students fail not because the examiners are being mean but students fail to match up to the particular professional standards. For those who are sitting for the LLB exams - you must have proficiency of the English language (because the papers are marked in England, unlike the CLP which is assessed locally) beside knowing the relevant cases. You must also have ability to distinguish cases.

The first step is always NOT to answer the question straightaway but to INTRODUCE YOUR ANSWER by mentioning the relevant legal principles. There are many ways to introduce your answers. For example,If the the question is about OFFER & ITT, then you can start off by mentioning the main elements of the law of contract.

If the question is on consideration,then you can start off by telling the examiner the meaning of consideration.(If you don't know the meaning of consideration, then you don't belong on Planet Earth).If the question is on conditions and warranties, then you can start by stating that parties are free to contract on their own terms of what is important and what is less important.

Then you go on the General Principles of the particular area.Cite the relevant case law. To score a good answer, there must be a minimum of 4 cases to every question.

Then it is very important that you mention the exceptions to the General rule.Some students just make a vague general statement and then move on. Such a tendency will not attract very good grades. Remember- study to understand, not just to memorize. Every law student is expected to know the difference between the General Rules and the Exceptions.

Finally make your submission and conclude your answer by stating- "This is the current state of the law as established by case law and statute...." If you follow this approach, then the answer will be structured and covers all the areas you need to cover in your answer- Good Luck Vijay ( To be continued)

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